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Does anyone have a GetTime() functions of sorts. Perhaps we can use the various cloud time servers. I don't know how to do it though. I know I can just stamp the data as it streams into my MQTT server, but I am just toying with a few options.


I don't understand what you are asking but the gateways get their time from the specified SNTP server and the devices get their time from the gateway every 24 hour.

Well, basically, what is the time stamp variable for my  script when it transmits data from the module. I'm not aware I can add code that executes from the gateway to fetch that timestamp, in my mobile script. If I need to get the transmission datetime  from a receiver,  rather that a module, that's fine. I just don't see if it's possible or not.

You can get the time from the module "DataTime.Now()", which is updated by the gateway daily, and add that to your message. Would that work?

That's what I need thanks. There is also a comprehensive parsing example in the MQTT section from another member I may need to borrow script from.


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