Author Topic: Re-Post "The Red version number"  (Read 292 times)


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Re-Post "The Red version number"
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:02:39 am »
mcJohnAdmin1din General1
The Red version number
If mc-Studio detects that it cannot load programs in a device or virtual device it will color the version number red. If you select the row in the grid that has the incompatible version number it will color the whole line red. You cannot load code or test code, by running it on those devices.
Some people have found that the virtual devices also indicate this while the version is 0.9-123. The system looks only to the build number and not to the version 0.9 so it is correct that it cannot run code. We are currently in the process of bringing the virtual devices up to date and then they will use the same version numbering as the physical devices. For now just don't use the virtual devices because they just don't work.Like

Thanks for the information.

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